
Thursday, August 6, 2009

Active Inspire - Promethean Planet

Here are resources available for use during this workshop.

1. Please complete Promethean's online form indicating you are taking Active Inspire workshop. The first question asks you to identify the name of the course, please choose "other" and type in the title of this session (title on blog post). Click here to complete the form.

2. We will be spending most of our time at Promethean Planet. Click here to go there.

3. Please complete Promethean's online form providing feedback on the Active Inspire workshop you completed. The first question asks you to identify the name of the course, please choose "other" and type in the title of this session (title on blog post). Click here to complete the form.


Joe B said...

Many different areas are worth looking into. If I want an answer, I head to the forum section. If I want a flipchart or resource, I head to the themes section to start my search. Check out Writing and Vocabulary theme, lots of good stuff.

Athena said...

I am sooooooooooooo excited about the Activtips. I had forgotten how to use the higlighter, but was easily reminded with the little video series.

Cindy Schimel said...

I am going to use the forum more this year and later this week I am going to go through all the Activtips to get ideas. Thank you Joe!

Becky said...

I am very happy to find out that I can use the Inspire program without a board while I am waiting to get a board. I will become familar with the software and then add the board.

Shauna Altman said...

These classes have been great! Thank you for showing me where the files were being stored on my computer. I will use that information to help me organize my promethean files.

Room 17 said...

I am very interested in using multiple pens and having children work together. I hoped it was possible and now know there is a way to do it.

Anonymous said...

Since I am a beginner, the active tips was an excellent way to view all the possibilities the software had to offer without having to do it all by trial and error. Thanks, Joe. You made it easy and accessible!


jan said...

I am very excited about starting using the promethean planet to build a library of lessons.

Anonymous said...

It is very helpful to know where to go on the Promethean Planet website to gather resources to assist one in their teaching.

Unknown said...

I learned about the magic bucket. When categorizing information it is easy because with a click you can change the colors of previously discussed information in order to demonstrate relationships visually.

Anonymous said...

The thing that has me the most excited is to begin to search for a flipchart "penpal" teacher that I can exhange news with throughout the school year. I have some ideas about where to begin my search and am excited to design activities for my students to get involved with in exchanging information with another classroom of kindergartners.

Debbie Straughan said...

Hi Joe,
I am very excited to find Promethean planet professional develop help on Active tips.I love the teacher features.

Unknown said...

Just wanted to share with you that we are into developing elearning IWB modules. May it be for Promethean ActiveBoards or Smart Boards, we could develop and transform learning materials into IWB compatible learning modules. We are proficient both in ActiveInpire (Promethean) and Smart Notebook (Smart) and provide solution to both technology. We have even developed flipcharts which includes assessments using the LRS (Learner response System) for highly engaging classroom activities. We would like to understand whether this kind of work sdlls into your domain and do let us know if you are interested so that we could take the discussion onto the next level to understand the bigger picture.