
Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Active Inspire - Containers and other Actions

Here are resources available for use during this workshop.

1. Please complete Promethean's online form indicating you are taking Active Inspire workshop. The first question asks you to identify the name of the course, please choose "other" and type in the title of this session (title on blog post). Click here to complete the form.

2. Containers and other Actions Training Flipchart (click here to download).

3. Please complete Promethean's online form providing feedback on the Active Inspire workshop you completed. The first question asks you to identify the name of the course, please choose "other" and type in the title of this session (title on blog post). Click here to complete the form.

1 comment:

Linda said...

I am unable to open your flipchart... I have Inspire, but the extension of your flipchart is different.