Here are resources available for use during this workshop.
1. Please complete Promethean's online form indicating you are taking Active Inspire workshop. The first question asks you to identify the name of the course, please choose "other" and type in the title of this session (title on blog post). Click here to complete the form.
2. Introduction to Inspire Flipchart used during the workshop Click here to download this flipchart.
3. Can You Do? - A flipchart used in small groups where each participant has an opportunity to experience first hand using a Promethean Board. Click here to download this flipchart..
4. Set of templates to download and modify (click here to download the zip file). You will download a zipped file containing several flipcharts to preview. Choose one to modify and use in your classroom this year. Also check out flipcharts from Hermiston school district
5. Please complete Promethean's online form providing feedback on the Active Inspire workshop you completed. The first question asks you to identify the name of the course, please choose "other" and type in the title of this session (title on blog post). Click here to complete the form.